At the heart of the Kollel is our cadre of meticulously selected Torah scholars dedicated to the highest levels of advanced Torah study.
Our Rabbis are not only passionate about learning Torah, they are also passionate about teaching Torah. They tirelessly give of their time to learn with community members one-on-one and through a wide array of classes on Jewish Law, Chumash, Mishnah, Talmud, and beyond, sharpening their talents while gaining the skills and experience to become the leaders and educators of the future.
Kollel Members
Rabbi Avrohom Dovid Bin-nun is no stranger to the out of town scene! At the young age of 1, he arrived on the shores of Gibraltar with his family to pioneer the Gibraltar Kollel. He grew up in Passaic NJ and went on to attend the Philly Yeshiva for high school and 1 year of beis medrash. He then attended the Detroit Yeshiva (just missing the Rosh Kollel, Rabbi Miller, by a mere ten years) and eventually moved on to BMG where he studied for 3 years before hearing about a certain kollel expanding in the Midwest. His wife, Sarah, (previously Weisfish) grew up in the City of Angels, attending bnos Tzivia elementary school and Bnos Esther high school. They live with their adorable daughters, Meira and Esther, (ages 3 and 4 months).

Rabbi Avi Bin-Nun
Coming Soon!

Rabbi Shimmy Fried
Originally from Baltimore, Maryland, Rabbi Muser studied in Yeshivas HaNegev in Israel and the Mirrer Yeshiva in Brooklyn. He joined the St. Louis Kollel in 1991 and currently serves as Mashgiach Ruchani for the Kollel. He and his wife, Chaya, have eight children and a growing number of grandchildren.

Rabbi Chona Muser
Coming soon!

Rabbi Chaim Rosenblatt
Originally from Brooklyn, New York, he graduated from the Mirrer Yeshiva High School in Brooklyn and attended St. Louis Rabbinical College as well as Beth Medrash Govoha in Lakewood. He joined the St. Louis Kollel in 1991, and currently serves as Rosh Chabura for the afternoon study session. He also serves as the Vice President of Education for Agudas Israel of St. Louis. Rabbi Frank and his wife Chavi have six wonderful children and several grandchildren.

Rabbi Yerachmiel Frank
Born and bred in Lakewood, New Jersey, Rabbi Eliyahu Chaim Goldstone attended Mesivta of Long Beach for high school and Bais Medrash followed by eighteen months in Yerushalayim at Yeshivas Yagdil Torah. Upon his return to the US, he joined Beth Medrash Gevoah in Lakewood until his marriage to Shima (Weg) from Baltimore. He spent three years nurturing his skills in both learning and community outreach in Ner Israel of Baltimore. He joined the team in 2021 during the Kollel expansion, where he continues to grow in his Torah and Avodah and Bein Adom Lichaveiro.

Rabbi Eliyahu Chaim Goldstone
A native of Johannesburg, South Africa, Rabbi Nitsun studied at various Yeshivos in Eretz Yisrael including ITRI, Maalos HaTorah, and Yeshivas HaRan. He is a certified mohel, sofer and shochet. Rabbi Nitsun directs the Senior Kollel manages the Kollel bookstore and is the resident expert on hunting down hard to find books. He and his wife, Pnina, are the grateful parents and grandparents of many extraordinary children and grandchildren.

Rabbi Gidon Nitsun
Biyomin was born in Baltimore, Maryland. He attended Talmudical Academy of Baltimore. In his formative years, he learned in TA Mesivta, graduating to spend the next four years in Monsey NY in Yeshiva Gedolah Kesser Torah, under the leadership of Rabbi Dovid Fishman. From there, he went to the Mir Yerushalayim for 1 1/2 years. The last stop was Lakewood, where he was introduced to his wife Rivka Weiss. Born in Washington DC, she grew up in Wesley Hills NY. Rivka is a speech therapist who teaches in Torah Prep Early Childhood. They resided in Lakewood until 2021 when they joined the new expansion of the St. louis Kollel.

Rabbi Binyomin Tajerstein
Chezky Freund is originally from Cleveland, Ohio. In his youth, he went to learn at Yeshivas Ner Yisroel for nearly a decade. Afterwards, he studied in the Mir Yerushalayim under the famed Rav Asher Arieli Shlita. He returned to Ner Yisroel, where he furthered his rigorous learning schedule and developed true Kesharim with many of his rebbeim. During his summers, he has led multiple highly successful S.E.E.D. programs and Birthright trips. After meeting his wife Yehudis, they moved to Far Rockaway, NY for her to complete her masters in P.A. There, he studied in Kollel under the direction of Rav Shalom Silberberg and during the night gave shiurim in both Gemara and Halacha at a Sephardi Shul. He joined the Kollel as the final member of the Kollel expansion in 2021.

Rabbi Chezky Freund
Coming Soon!

Rabbi Shlomo Mayer Graber
Coming Soon!

Rabbi Michoel Nusbaum
Kollel Adjuncts
Rabbi Zevi Farkas was born and raised in Toronto Canada where he learned in Yeshiva Gedolah of Toronto. He continued his studies in Jerusalem in the Yeshiva division of the Brisker Kollel before moving on to BMG in Lakewood. While there, he took part in a program called the Talmudo b'Yado and published his own Sefer. He also received Semicha on various portions of hilchos basar b'chalav.In 2017 he got married to Yael (Cardash) of Chicago and now they have three adorable children two of whom are in Torah Prep day school.Mrs. Farkas teaches in Torah Prep and runs the Eishes Chayil women's division of the Kollel. Her devotion, care and attention to detail are some of the reasons why she is a beloved Morah and her programs are the most popular in town.

Rabbi Zevi Farkas
Coming Soon!

Rabbi Yerucham List
Rabbi Glazer was born in Baltimore, Maryland. He graduated from Ner Israel Rabbinical College where he formed a close relationship with the Rosh HaYeshiva, Rav Aharon Feldman. Rabbi Glazer spent the next four years in Israel studying at Yagdil Torah and the Mir Yeshiva in Jerusalem. In 2009, he returned to the United States where he continued his Jewish studies at Ruach HaTorah in Lakewood, New Jersey. During his stay in Lakewood, he met his wife, Ariella (Weiss) a St. Louis native, and they were married in 2010. Soon after, Rabbi Glazer joined the St. Louis Kollel. Rabbi Glazer is currently the 5th grade rebbi at Torah Prep and 3rd grade rebbi at EHA and serves as Director of the Partners In Torah program of the Kollel.

Rabbi Moshe Glazer
Coming Soon!

Rabbi Tzvi Perlman
Born in Passaic, New Jersey, Rabbi Yitzchok Shimon Hess’s family moved to Lakewood soon after. Rabbi Hess spent time studying in Yeshivas Keren Hatorah in Lakewood then went to Eretz Yisrael to learn under Rabbi Dovid Soloveitchik. Later on he returned to Lakewood to learn in Beis Medrash Govoha, and the Cranbury Kollel, also in New Jersey.
He is married to Rochel (nee Bresler) from Brooklyn, who now teaches at EMBY. They are parents to Avrohom (5) and Noach (2).

Rabbi Yitzchok Shimon Hess
Kollel Staff

Rabbi Menachem Greenblatt
Rosh Kollel Emeritus